Friday, March 23, 2007

Discovering the REAL God

... I did not know that God provided things for people; I thought he was just someone to talk to and to try to keep happy enough so that he did not hate me. (p. 65, HPG) ("How People Grow" going to be cited just as HPG from now on)

...People must discover that God is for them and not against them. (p. 66, HPG)

How about completing this sentence in your own words? God is more [insert your words or good experience of God's personality] than [insert a contrasting personality style that people might have]. Expand your comment with some Scripture, thoughts and/or experiences that have brought you into touch with our wonderful, amazing Lord.


Dr. Pam said...

God is more generous than stingy. Just when I'm feeling a little short on time, finances, patience, whatever ... this week I've been short on time for fellowship. Just when it's like that, I find myself in prayer and the Lord flooding me with the reality of his immense presence. God is generous with himself, and I am blessed.

Unknown said...

God is more loving than hateful. I can't get over how much love He has. He has so much that there is more than enough to go around the world. I wish I could say that for myself. If only people would love each other unconditionally, hurt would diminish.***Love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12

Penny-less said...

God is more merciful than judgemental. "..mercy triumphs over judgement" James 3:13b How often it is easy to complain that this isn't fair and point the finger. Then I must remember the times when I have been given mercy that wasn't really "fair" when my actions were deserving of judgement. I need to ask for His help in extending the same mercy He has extended to me to others. And I am sure like many, we were not necessarily taught this in our homes. And sometimes I must admit it "feels good" to judge. So I need the Holy Spirit and others who are "running the race" to change my mode of thinking to this merciful "God-perspective".

Anonymous said...

God is more calming than chaotic. Having faith in Him has brought more calm in my life than I ever thought I could have. After purchasing a new home and welcoming a new baby I would usually be stressful of where the money will come from. After coming to know the Lord I have found that the financial stresses have become less. I have prayed for the Holy Spirit to bring calm and not be anxious about finances. God provides. "But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. " Luke 12:31
PTL !!

Dr. Pam said...

Wow. I am impressed with your comments! Not really surprised, just impressed! I knew you were brilliant all along. Keep em coming!

God is more alert than drowsy (in contrast to me some days)...he is always ready to listen and energized to respond. As for Scripture, about a b-zillion times in the Psalms, it says "Call to the Lord, and he will answer you!"

Anonymous said...

God is more Powerful than the Devil. (These were the words of my 13 yr old niece)

Anonymous said...

God is more forgiving than vengeful. In "How People Grow" it says God is for us. I haven't always known how true this. Growing up with a "Be Good or God will punish you" idea left me feeling like I could never do anything right for Him, so why try? Eventually I met a loving God but I'm still discovering the depth of what that means.

Unknown said...

God is more trustworthy than dishonest. When I was a child I grew up with false hopes in my life, so I thought God was like that too. I had so many false hopes that I wanted to be rescued from. As an adult, I grew up with major trust issues because of my father; but thankfully God changed me and showed me that I can trust him and he does have pure, unconditional love for even me.

Unknown said...

God is more awake than sleepy