Friday, July 27, 2007


I went to a workshop this week on marital counseling. There were some things said about forgiveness that just hit me between the eyes.

"Forgiveness is God’s invention for coming to terms with a world in which,
despite their best intentions, people are unfair to each other and hurt each
other deeply. He began by forgiving us. And He invites us all to forgive each
other." quotation by Lewis Smedes, theologian and author

Wow! So true. Even though I do my best to be nice, eventually (sometimes sooner rather than later), I hurt somebody's feelings. Yuck. I wish I wouldn't do that. I wish they wouldn't do it back. I'm glad there is forgiveness. Lord, teach me how to forgive and be forgiven.


Anonymous said...

AMEN Sister


Anonymous said...

Forgiveness truly is the healing balm,that when applied to others heals us.I am not trying to imply that it is effortless, it is a determination of heart, we have to purpose in our hearts,the feelings will follow,not necesarily over night either,but they will come.We as Christians do not have a choice not to forgive,not after knowing what has been forgiven us,yes forgiveness is the healing balm, that when applied to others heals us,and its truly miraculous.LUV YA =^..^=KAT

Anonymous said...

Nice, I know I needed to read this! I copied and pasted it to forward to other's too.