Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Just for fun - going to the Car Wash

Yesterday, I went to get my car washed near the Berean Bookstore in Colton. A huge truck was rolling to the end of the automatic wash area, and just kept rolling until it ran into another car that was being dried. The rolling truck took out the left rear brake light and side panel of a little purple car! The poor owners just watched in dismay as their cars got into an accident with each other. Memo to me - don't let my car be dried in line with the exit from the auto-wash!

How about you? Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?


Anonymous said...

Are you supposed to wash those things???LOL...sometimes I do overlook such things ya know.But when I do get around to it I compromise and go to the coin operated one where I still have to do my part, otherwise I just feel convicted as Jorge always does his by hand.(oh the guilt)LOL...LUV YA=^..^=KAT

Dr. Pam said...

We normally just pray for rain to was our cars ... but now it's summer ... :-)

Unknown said...

I used to get my car wash at the Shell gas station...a funny moment was when my car was falling apart and the sunroof and the driver-side door would leak...I not only got a car wash, but a little shower of my own.

I like the idea of the future BABY WASH automatic. yay!

Anonymous said...

As many can tell right now I am conserving water and energy(my own). Ha Ha


Anonymous said...

"The Car Wash" or "The Car Washer"? The car wash if I have a coupon...the car washer (Jon) if I don't. Either one works well.

Anonymous said...

I always encourage my kids to wash the car(s). I tell them how much we need the rain so please go wash (and even wax it). Put your heart into it! And then, the next morning when it's been drizzling on the cars I always make sure I tell them thanks:>)