Sunday, July 15, 2007

Just for fun - Dream vacation

I couldn't resist this question, especially while we still have 6 weeks of summer left!

What is your dream vacation?


Dr. Pam said...

I'll have a few postings here - first, I would love to be back on Maui with a convertible driving around and hiking with my honey. That was a dream vacation!

Unknown said...

I always enjoy seeing my mother in dream would be that I wouldn't have any physical limits so I would help her more than I am able to...I love my mom...

Unknown said...

forget the honey for me, my dream vacation...hmmm...I actually would love to go to England because my Grandma was born there...or Germany (Grandpa -born)...or Italy (Great Grandpa born). Or Norway (my heritage started)...etc... etc....
I have unknown relatives all over the world.

Also I would love to take a trip to Hawaii...or see the Washington D.C. area...or even take a trip back to Japan to see where I spent some time as a young one.

Anonymous said...

Anywhere in the Carribean, I guess with John. Just kidding. Totally with John.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Dream Vacation? Anywhere that doesn't feel like Summer. Someplace where the temp is 68 and overcast and you don't sweat! Have I ever told you how much I hate summer? I will sign this anonymous but if you have known me for at least 10 mins. you'll know who I am. LOL>>>

Anonymous said...

okay Ms. Anonoumous from the comment right above me. You are either Liz or Tamara...I choose Liz. TTFN

Anonymous said...

Any and all points due north. No heat, no humidity, no tropics. Give me a down jacket, the ice cold wind in my face and glaciers. Go north, my friend, go north.

Anonymous said...

You guessed it...have i mentioned how much i dislike summer/heat/sun?



Anonymous said...

you guys like it way too cold....brrr.