God did good! Driving out of Mesquite yesterday, we came upon a rise of rock much like the walls of the Grand Canyon. The road disappeared into the gorge and look what we saw!
Wow God - Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy; let them sing before the LORD. Even the boys said "Wow"
I haven't heard such beautiful worship in our van in a long time. When "Wow" sounds a lot like "Praise the Lord"!
Hope you have some "WOW" experiences this week!
I am housesitting some crazy people's house (just kidding) and I just happened to look out at the pool one day.
The sun hit the water just right and the water was shimmering, sparkling and awe so beautiful. That was my WOW moment.
Hi Pam-E-la
Have fun!!!
My wow time time this week came out of crisis. The awesome creation of the human body astounds me. Jorge was in an industrial accident Monday and his finger was partially amputated.The grace God gave him through this tragedy WOWS me.Schock is something that sets in for our own well-being,a safeguard put in our bodies by a Creator who loves us so. I thank him. LUV YA KAT =^..^=
O Kit Kat
I am so glad your husband Jorge is okay...
Love ya
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