Friday, June 29, 2007

We're on our way home!

Last hotel, last pool, last free breakfast. We're in Tucson tonite. We were in Carlsbad earlier today. We walked into the cavern through this natural entrance around 10 am and emerged about 2 pm. The caverns are amazing - another WOW experience to round out our trip. This time, I heard Devin say "you did good, God".
Our family has been blessed in so many ways on this trip. I suppose I'll talk about it a lot. After all, we talk a lot about the things that impress us (hmmmm, there must be a sermon in that!). If you are around me at all in the next month, just tell me when I start repeating myself.
Love you all ... See you Sunday!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Virgin River Gorge - Wow God

God did good! Driving out of Mesquite yesterday, we came upon a rise of rock much like the walls of the Grand Canyon. The road disappeared into the gorge and look what we saw!
Wow God - Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy; let them sing before the LORD. Even the boys said "Wow"
I haven't heard such beautiful worship in our van in a long time. When "Wow" sounds a lot like "Praise the Lord"!
Hope you have some "WOW" experiences this week!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Just for fun - Pretty around Pink

Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Finding Your Way Home - A true story

A 7 year old girl got lost one day in San Francisco. Her parents could not find her for hours. When she returned, in the company of a police officer, the police officer told this story ...

I found her walking in an adjacent neighborhood and she was very upset. We sat together for awhile until she was able to stop crying and then began to drive around. We hoped we would find something that looked familiar to her, like a grocery store or even her own home. But this is what happened.

We found her church. She immediately recognized her church building and began getting very happy. Confidently, she told me, "This is my church. I can always find my way home from here."

And here she is, home.

Hey sister friends. We are better together!!!

Love you ... Pam
(From "Traveling Mercies" by Anne Lamott)