Saturday, April 21, 2007

Time for ...

No time for blogging this week, although I've so much enjoyed your continuing connections with me and each other this week and have missed throwing out some new things. This week in review ...

Tuesday was my last teaching class at Vanguard. A time for grading papers and rejoicing in the Lord's gift of a semester of fun with great students. Thank you, Lord!

Thursday was the due date for the State of Ohio report. Turned out to be 23 pages with essays and pictures and table of contents and everything! Go Alex!

Friday saw Devin playing in a jazz combo at the REV Arts Festival. And me enjoying him ... and the rap band ... and the unusual "emo" poetry guy ... and the emcee who, well ... that's enough! Being a mom is great. God is better! ;-)

Busyness all week at the office with lots of clients and paperwork and a subpoena to help a client through a tough situation. Not quite a normal week. Somebody had to be praying for me!

So, no time for blogging ... but plenty of time for the Lord to be that "very present help." My dependency on him is remarkably real to me this Saturday morning.

The ball's in your court ... How did the Lord help you through this week?


Unknown said...

Auntie Tanya is excited because God brought a special gift back into my life last week. It's exciting to start this new relationsip with my niece who I have recently located. I held her as a newborn 7 1/2 yrs ago. She's an unexpected blessing.

Anonymous said...

This week, God helped me bite my tongue when I felt like replying to someone who hurt me.

Cassie said...

God gave me the answer to the question of whether or not to make this 5-day a week temp job permanent--a question posed by my boss here at UCR who wants me to stay on indefinitely. After much prayer, God said 3 days a week is enough for a retired lady and gave me peace with that answer.

Anonymous said...

Yea, got to do some blogging... Been real occupied with work lately. In case you didn't know I got a promotion and have been in training both on/off the floor for the last 3wks. Ish, lot's of info to cram into my little pea brain!! God has been excellent in seeing me through...PTL

Dr. Pam said...

Crazy day today! I was 5 minutes last to give a seminar on Effective Time Management. Ha! The Lord surely has a sense of humor, not to mention a peculiar process of keeping me humble. He kept me happy and relaxed. His presence is sweet when life goes sour.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Pam just cracks me up. I love the down to earth manner in wich she "analizes" the very real "things" we all deal with. I too am grateful this week for Gods strength to get through. Have been physically down,strep throat, tonselitis, not fun, but doing better.Lillianas first birthday,so much to do, no strength to do it,but God in his Mercy has seen me through. LUV YA GALS...KAT=^..^=

Anonymous said...

I've been carrying Pastor Terry's sermon notes on Hope in my pants pocket. The one on King Jehoshaphat (4/22). I keep remembering the God I serve & His power & promises. I've been keeping an "eyes open" look at my several situations. I'm totally aware who my enemy is & my complete inability to solve these situations on my own. I'm waiting for the Lord; I'm watching for His plan & listening for His voice. I lead myself in worship, no matter how feeble or strong it is, & I keep looking forward to His victory which is way bigger, better and everlasting. Then I put on my PJs and sleep like a baby. Sweet dreams!

Unknown said...

Everytime I have attended church during the "Hope" series, I have had to act out what I learned immediately. It's sad but I have been hit with a few fiery darts just a few hours after each service.

(Note to Pastor: please do not preach on "patience" or "pressing on no matter what" or any sermon like that - yet. I need a little break.)

I know that I have hope that this too shall pass. Heaven will be so different than it is here. People will not be angry, nor try to destroy the things I love as well as my spirit just because they have anger, hatred, hurt, jealously, or the like. I don't understand why people purposely try to hurt others. In Heaven, it will be different. I so look for the day when my Jesus will come take me home.

Anonymous said...

Pam, I love that you were late for your "Time Management Seminar". I think you were just "keeping it real!" God does have a funny bone:O)